Enum OpenEbsEngine
Identifies the OpenEBS storage engines supported by NEONKUBE clusters.
Namespace: Neon.Kube.ClusterDef
Assembly: Neon.Kube.dll
public enum OpenEbsEngine
Name | Description |
Default | Selects a reasonable default storage engine for the cluster. Currently, this will select HostPath for single-node clusters or Jiva for multi-node clusters. noteThese defaults were selected to reduce the storage and RAM required for smaller clusters, or clusters that don't really require OpenEBS for user workloads. Larger clusters that depend on OpenEBS for user workloads should consider configuring cStor instead. |
HostPath | A temporary storage engine that will be replaced by Jiva once we've implemented support for that. This option works only for single node clusters and will be removed in the near future. We don't recommend that you reference this explicitly in your cluster definitions; use Default instead. |
Jiva | This was the original OpenEBS storage engine and hosts the data in a Linux sparse file rather than requiring raw block devices. This may be suitable for smaller clusters running workloads with lower I/O requirements. See: Jiva Overview noteJiva is not currently supported for NEONKUBE clusters. |
Mayastor | This will be [Mayadata's premier storage engine](https://docs.openebs.io/docs/next/mayastor.html) using the [NVMe-oF](https://nvmexpress.org/developers/nvme-of-specification/) protocol for accessing data rather than the old iSCSI protocol which is quite slow. Mayastor is still in Beta. noteMayastor is not currently supported for NEONKUBE clusters. |
cStor | The currently recommended OpenEBS storage engine. This is very feature rich but requires one or more raw block devices and quite a bit of RAM. See: cStor Overview |