Namespace Neon.Web
Provides data protection using AES Cipher.
Extension methods for IDataProtectionBuilder.
Enhances the Controller class to simplify and enhance web application logging. Use this as the base class for ASP.NET UX applications.
Enhances the ControllerBase class to simplify and enhance web service logging. Use this class for ASP.NET REST API. Although NeonController can be used for REST APIs as well, NeonControllerBase may have lower overhead.
Handles deserialization of JSON objects for noSQL scenarios that supports round trips without any property loss, even if one side of the transaction is out of data and is not aware of all of the possible JSON properties.
This class is designed to support classes generated by the Neon.ModelGen assembly that implement IRoundtripData.
Handles serialization of JSON objects for noSQL scenarios that supports round trips without any property loss, even if one side of the transaction is out of data and is not aware of all of the possible JSON properties.
This class is designed to support classes generated by the Neon.ModelGen assembly that implement IRoundtripData.
Neon.Web Tracing Instrumentation.
Misc ASP.NET related helper methods.